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TI3299 - Importing or "wrapping" DLL function calls

For more complete information on this subject, see:

Importing or "wrapping" dll function calls

First of all, what is a "wrapped" function call?

A wrapped function or set of functions consists
of an entry into the interface section and an 
entry into the implementation section (along
with associated constants or types) which corresponds
to a function or set of functions to be imported from
a Dynamic Link Library(DLL). A wrapper is simply a
declaration in a PASCAL unit that provides an entry
Point into a DLL. With Delphi, this wrapper is
represented by a unit file containing object pascal
code. The Delphi development team has already
conveniently wrapped many standard Windows controls
and functions for you. On occasion it may become
necessary to create wrappers for dll function calls
that are not already wrapped in Delphi.  

The first and often the most difficult step in this 
process is locating information about the function(s). 
One of the best sources for locating documentation of 
the function(s) in question is the World Wide Web.
An extensive search beginning with the MSDN and 
extending to the numerous available search engines will 
often reveal some pertinent information.Search C++ header
files in a product like Borland C++ or MS Visual C++ to
get the structure of the function calls. Type conversion
and calling conventions are generally able to be resolved
when converting between C++ and PASCAL. A good resource
for compatibility between Delphi and C++ can be found
on the Borland web site at 

After locating an example or documentation of the DLL in 
question the next step is to create a new unit file. The 
interface of the unit will contain the types and constants 
that are specific to the function calls of the DLL along 
with the function headers. These function headers are the 
Object PASCAL interface that is being provided for other 
Delphi applications to call the DLL function. Once 
the interface section of the unit is complete the next 
section is the implementation. The implementation section
of the unit contains declarations of the imported external
functions. These headers are not identical to those found in 
the interface section of the unit (these contain the actual 
function identifiers plus other important implementation 
information).  For a more thorough treatment of this subject 
see the help topic "DLLs:accessing procedures and functions" 
in the Delphi 3 help file.

For example, say there exists a function called BOB in a DLL 
called 'BLODGE.DLL'.  

1) WWW Research on the function BOB reveals that it returns a 
boolean and takes a word and a boolean as it's arguments.  

2) Create a new unit file named 'UseBob.pas' via Delphi 
(File|New and choose unit)

3) The following line of code would go in the interface section 
of the new unit:

function BOB(Fire: Word, Dances: Boolean): Boolean; stdcall

4) The following line of code would go in the implementation section 
of the new unit:

function BOB; external 'BLODGE';

5) Save the unit, name it 'UseBob.pas'.

6) It is also necessary to make sure that UseBob.pas 
is in the same directory of the current project or that it 
resides in a directory that is in the Delphi search path.

7) Add the 'UseBob' unit to a new project's uses clause.  The 
function BOB can be called from this new project just like any 
other standard function.

8)  At runtime  BLODGE.DLL must be in the path of the current
process's environment. 

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