3233:How do I map a network drive in Windows NT or '95?
KEYWORDS: mapping, drives, NT, 95, WNetAddConnection2 AREA: Application Intero
How do I map a network drive in Windows NT or '95?
You can use the WNetAddConnection2 API call. The prototype for the
API call is in Windows.Pas.
function WNetAddConnection2W(var lpNetResource: TNetResourceW;
lpPassword, lpUserName: PWideChar;
dwFlags: DWORD): DWORD; stdcall;
To make the call you will need to fill a lpNetResource structure
with a minimum set of parameters, shown in the example below. You
pass this structure as the first parameter to the call, the password,
user name, and a flag that indicates whether this mapping should
be persistant every time the machine is logged onto. For more info
on the API itself, see Window's Programmers Reference help (find the
function in Windows.pas, place your text cursor over the function
call, and hit F1 to bring up help).
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
NRW: TNetResource;
with NRW do
lpLocalName := 'X:'; // map to this driver letter
lpRemoteName := '\\MyServer\MyDirectory';
// Must be filled in. If an empty string is used,
// it will use the lpRemoteName.
lpProvider := '';
WNetAddConnection2(NRW, 'MyPassword', 'MyUserName',