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* #WhiteUnicorn/ StartPage/ Documentation/DelphiFAQ >

3097:Dynamically Creating Page Controls and Tab Sheets

KEYWORDS: TTabSheet TPageControl AREA: VCL Programming

{ Create a Page Control and all the TabSheets and buttons dynamically }
{ Delphi 2.0 or greater }

  T : TTabSheet;
  P : TPageControl;
   // Create the PageControl
   // need to reference the page control so we need a reference to it.
  P := TPageControl.Create(application);
  with P do begin
    Parent := Form1;  // set how controls it.
    Top := 30;
    Left := 30;
    Width := 200;
    Height := 150;
    end;  // with TPageControl

    // Create 3 pages
  T := TTabSheet.Create(P);
  with T do begin
    Visible := True;   // This is necessary or form does not repaint
                       // correctly
    Caption := 'Page 1';
    PageControl := P;  // Assign Tab to Page Control
    end;  // with

  T := TTabSheet.Create(P);
  with T do begin
    Visible := True;   // This is necessary or form does not repaint
                       // correctly
    Caption := 'Page 2';
    PageControl := P;  // Assign Tab to Page Control
    end;  // with

  T := TTabSheet.Create(P);
  with T do begin
    Visible := True;   // This is necessary or form does not repaint
                       // correctly
    Caption := 'Page 3';
    PageControl := P;  // Assign Tab to Page Control
    end;  // with

    // Create 3 buttons, 1 per page
  with tbutton.create(application) do begin
    Parent := P.Pages[0];  // Tell which page owns the Button
    Caption := 'Hello Page 1';
    Left := 0;
    Top := 0;
    end; // with

  with tbutton.create(application) do begin
    Parent := P.Pages[1];  // Tell which page owns the Button
    Caption := 'Hello Page 2';
    Left := 50;
    Top := 50;
    end; // with

  with tbutton.create(application) do begin
    Parent := P.Pages[2];  // Tell which page owns the Button
    Caption := 'Hello Page 3';
    Left := 100;
    Top :=  90;
    end; // with

    // This needs to be done or the Tab does not sync to the
    // correct page, initially.  Only if you have more then
    // one page.
  P.ActivePage := P.Pages[1];
  P.ActivePage := P.Pages[0];  // page to really show


* #WhiteUnicorn/ StartPage/ Documentation/DelphiFAQ >

- - * - Anastasija aka WhiteUnicorn - * - - LJLiveJournal