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3054:Study Objectives for the Delphi Client/Server Exam

KEYWORDS: Exam, Client/Server, Certification AREA: Product Info

                            Borland International

                              Study Objectives
                      for the Delphi Client/Server Exam

Borland's Delphi Client/Server Exam is a comprehensive test of
knowledge and skills of the Delphi Client/Server technology.
This document is for individuals who are seeking Delphi
Client/Server certification and are preparing to take the Exam.
The information provided is a list of knowledge objectives
that can be used as a study guide for the Delphi Client/Server
Exam.  It is intended to help you understand the content of the
Exam so you can effectively study and achieve your certification
goals.  It is also recommended that you take an official Borland
Delphi Client/Server Training Course and use Borland Press Books
to prepare.

The Delphi Client/Server Exam will be administered by Sylvan
Prometric at over 200 testing centers worldwide.  A limited
number of discounted test seats will also be offered on site at
Borland's Developer Conference (BDC) in Anaheim, CA, July 29 &
30, 1996.  To register for Delphi Client/Server Certification at
BDC or at a Sylvan Prometric testing center near you, call
Sylvan Prometric 1-800-430-EXAM (1-800-430-3926).  The test fee
for the United States and Canada is $140.  For International
test fees, contact your local Borland sales office.

- Describe the features of the Windows API relevant to Delphi.
- Describe the correct use of the TOLEContainer to embed an object.
- Describe characteristics of OLE and DDE. Given a situation
  identify the correct use of each.
Object Pascal
- Define the major sections of a unit (i.e. interface; uses;
  implementation; initialization).
- Describe procedural and variable scope.
- Describe when to use virtual and override and given a
  situation, describe the correct use of each.
- Identify the differences between constructors and destructors
  and, given a situation, identify the correct use of each.
- Describe the methods available for destroying objects.
- Identify and define the major sections of a class declaration
  (i.e., class(...), private, protected; public; published).
- Describe when to use try...finally and try...except, and
  given a situation, identify the correct usage of each.
- Describe when it is necessary to use raise and given a
  situation, identify its correct usage.
- Identify the methods which access object-type information
  at run-time (e.g., is, ClassType; as; etc.). Given a situation
  identify the correct use of each.

- Identify the files (e.g. .dpr; .dfm; .pas; etc.) that make up
  a project.
- List the steps required to make a DLL project.  Identify a
  properly constructed DLL project.
- Identify the steps to create and destroy forms dynamically.
  Given a situation identify the correct use of the Create and
  Free methods.
- Describe when it is appropriate to use Show vs. ShowModal
  (i.e. overlapped windows vs. dialogs).  Given a situation
  identify the correct use of each.
- List the Project and Environment options which are useful for
  development vs. deployment (e.g. "Range Checking", "Break on
  Exception").  Given a situation, identify the correct usage.
- Describe the differences between ownership (e.g. Owner,
  Components[], etc.) and parenthood (e.g. Parent, Controls[],
  etc.) with respect to a child.
- Identify the properties and methods available for creating a
  drag-and-drop application. Given a situation identify their
  correct usage (e.g., DragMode, BeginMode, etc.).
- Define the role of the ModalResult property in relation to
  the closing of a form.
- Given a situation identify the correct use of the GroupIndex
  property as it applies to several related components (i.e.,
  TSpeedButton, TMenuItem).
- Given a situation identify the correct use of the Cursor
  property (e.g., set to an hourglass during repetitive process).
- List some of the properties and methods related to TCanvas
  (e.g., Brush, FillRect,, etc.).  Given a situation identify
  their correct usage.

Database Components (1)
- Identify the methods which affect a TDataSet.
- Identify the issues involved in creating a calculated field.
- Describe how to search for a record using keyed fields vs.
  non-keyed fields.
- Describe the functionality of the TQuery's DataSource
  property.  Describe how it is related to the TTable's
  MasterSource property.
- Identify the types of SQL which are used with the TQuery
- Identify the issues involved when using the Prepare method of
  the TQuery component?
- Given a situation, tell how to correctly assign values to a
- Demonstrate knowledge of the Session global variable,
  including its function, scope, and where it is created.
- List the properties and methods available for manipulating
  fields in a TDBGrid.  Given a situation identify the correct

Database Tasks (1)
- Identify properties and methods used to traverse a dataset.
- Identify the correct use of the TDataSet events.
- Identify the properties and methods used to format and
  validate database fields at runtime.

Component Design
- Identify the steps required to create and register a custom
- Identify the steps required to create a property and an event
  for a component.

- Given a situation identify the differences between
  pass-through SQL and standard.
- Given a situation identify the correct result of the SELECT
- Given a situation identify the correct use of the DELETE
- Given a situation identify the correct use of the INSERT
- Given a situation identify the correct use of the UPDATE
- Identify the correct use of the CREATE TABLE statement.
- Identify the correct use of the CREATE VIEW statement.
- Given a situation, identify the correct use of a CREATE
  INDEX statement.

Database Components (2)
- List the components, properties and methods necessary for
  server interaction (i.e., TDatabase).  Given a situation
  identify their correct usage (e.g., logging-on to a server
  without prompting the user).
- Identify the necessary steps in creating your own login
- Demonstrate knowledge of the AliasName and the DriverName
  properties of the TDatabase component.
- Identify the correct usage of StartTransaction, Commit,
  Rollback and their related behavior.
- List the advantages of using a TDatabase component.
- Describe the purpose of TDatabase's KeepConnection property.
- Demonstrate knowledge of TDatabase's UpdateMode property.
- Identify the record searching methods of a dataset.
- Demonstrate familiarity with the properties and methods of
  the TStoredProc component.
- Demonstrate competence using Params and ParamByName to
  satisfy the parameters of dynamic queries.
- Demonstrate knowledge of moving data using TBatchMove and
  other Delphi components.
- Describe the advantages and disadvantages which arise when
  using TTable components vs. TQuery and TStoredProc components
  on remote databases (i.e., network traffic).

Database Tasks (2)
- Describe how to deal with referential integrity constraints
  using triggers and stored procedures.
- Given a situation identify the correct use of SQL exceptions
  (e.g., warning of a key violation).
- Given a situation identify the correct use of grant.
- Describe the locking mechanisms used by the BDE (e.g.,
  optimistic locking).

Up-Sizing Applications
- Given a situation identify the correct uses of the TBatchMove

Borland Database Engine
- Identify the available settings in the BDE configuration for
  configuring a SQL connection.
- Describe how to manually create and edit a BDE alias.

- Identify the properties of the TReport component.
- Identify the steps required to avoid the connect dialog when
  loading a report.


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