2873:packing a dBASE table
KEYWORDS: packing a dBASE table AREA: Database Programming
packing a dBASE table
Q: How do I pack a dBASE table?
A: To pack a dBASE table that has been opened with a TTable,
use the BDE function DbiPackTable. There are two basic steps
to do this:
1. Add the following units to your uses clause:
{ For Delphi 1.0: } DBITYPES, DBIPROCS and DBIERRS;
{ For Delphi 2.0: } BDE;
2) Then call the DbiPackTable BDE function as follows:
Check(DbiPackTable(Table1.DbHandle, Table1.Handle, Nil, szDBASE, TRUE));
* The table must be opened in exclusive mode.
* Use the Check procedure when calling BDE API functions. Check
will raise an exception if an error occurs on the BDE call.