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2864:How to use a popup menu with a VBX.

KEYWORDS: popup menu and VBX AREA: VCL Programming

Q:  I want to be able to right click on my VBX and have     a
popup menu display.  When I use a popup menu for the form, it
shows no matter where I right click.  I want to just have it
popup for right clicks on the vbx.

How do I trap for that?

A:  Here it is:

procedure TForm1.FormMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
  Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
  if button = mbRight then
    with (Sender AS TControl) do
      with ClientToScreen(Point(X,Y)) do
        PopupMenu1.PopupComponent := TComponent(Sender);

Note: The form's PopupMenu property must be empty, or it will popup
from everywhere.  If you want the form to be the only place showing
the popup, place this method on the form's OnMouseDown event.  If
you want the VBX to be the only place, then place it on the VBX's
OnMouseDown event, etc.


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