2792:How to match file date/time stamps.
KEYWORDS: set date time file stamp AREA: General
Q: "How can I write a function that sets the date of one file equal to the
date of another file?"
A: No problem. Just use the following function, which takes two strings
representing full DOS path/file names. The file who's date you
wish to set is the second parameter, and the date you wish to set it to
is given by the file in the first parameter.
procedure CopyFileDate(const Source, Dest: String);
SourceHand, DestHand: word;
SourceHand := FileOpen(Source, fmOutput); { open source file }
DestHand := FileOpen(Dest, fmInput); { open dest file }
FileSetDate(DestHand, FileGetDate(SourceHand)); { get/set date }
FileClose(SourceHand); { close source file }
FileClose(DestHand); { close dest file }