- - * - WhiteUnicorn - * - -

* #WhiteUnicorn/ StartPage/ Documentation/DelphiFAQ >

Frequently Asked Questions

Minimum Hardware and Software Requirements


What are the minimum hardware and software requirements?


Delphi/400 Client/Server Suite:

Intel 486/25-based PC or higher

Microsoft Windows 95 or Windows NT

8Mb(12Mb recommended)

50Mb hard disk space

CD-ROM Drive

Mouse or other Windows pointing device


All the AS/400s except those of the AS/Entry series.

OS/400 Version 2.3 or later.

Supported Routers:

IBM, Client Access for Windows 95 Vn. 2.3

Netsoft, NS Bundle Vn. 5.0

Microsoft, SNA Server Vn. 2.11/3.0

Wall Data, Rumba Access for Windows 95/Windows NT

* #WhiteUnicorn/ StartPage/ Documentation/DelphiFAQ >

- - * - Anastasija aka WhiteUnicorn - * - - LJLiveJournal