- - * - WhiteUnicorn - * - -

* #WhiteUnicorn/ StartPage/ Documentation/DelphiFAQ >

Frequently Asked Questions

Benefits to AS/400 developers and users


What are the key benefits to AS/400 developers and users?


The main benefit of Delphi/400 Client/Server Suite to the AS/400
community, is that this solution will extend and enhance the life
of their current AS/400 investments.  For example their existing 
applications can be accessed via Delphi, rather than being 
re-written from scratch.  Delphi also provides an easy to use GUI
interface allowing new applications to be developed in the 
shortest possible time.  More and more users are wishing to 
access corporate information combined with rapid reporting.  
Delphi's Internet enablement, will also allow these companies to
start developing both Internet and Intranet applications 

* #WhiteUnicorn/ StartPage/ Documentation/DelphiFAQ >

- - * - Anastasija aka WhiteUnicorn - * - - LJLiveJournal