- - * - WhiteUnicorn - * - -

* #WhiteUnicorn/ StartPage/ Documentation/DelphiFAQ >

Frequently Asked Questions

Error: "Application is not licensed to run this feature"


"Application is not licensed to run this feature" error when running demo application from \demos\db\clientds.


This error occurs when attempting to use Delphi 3 Client/Server 
features from Delphi 3 Professional or Standard editions.  This 
could happen if you compiled the demos using a compiler other 
than the one that comes with Delphi 3 C/S.  Check that the 
Delphi 3 Professional was not installed previously without first 
being un-installed.   To correct this situation, uninstall 
Delphi, double check for leftover Delphi files, and finally re-
install Delphi 3.0 C/S.

* #WhiteUnicorn/ StartPage/ Documentation/DelphiFAQ >

- - * - Anastasija aka WhiteUnicorn - * - - LJLiveJournal