- - * - WhiteUnicorn - * - -

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Frequently Asked Questions

TCP/IP: Retrieving Client IP and Host Name


At client, how can I get the IP address or host name of itself.


The following example requires using the Winsock API 

encapsulated in WinSock.pas.

uses WinSock; procedure GetHostInfo(var Name, Address: string); var WSAData: TWSAData; HostEnt: PHostEnt; begin { no error checking...} WSAStartup(2, WSAData); SetLength(Name, 255); Gethostname(PChar(Name), 255); SetLength(Name, StrLen(PChar(Name))); HostEnt := gethostbyname(PChar(Name)); with HostEnt^ do Address := Format('%d.%d.%d.%d',[ Byte(h_addr^[0]), Byte(h_addr^[1]), Byte(h_addr^[2]), Byte(h_addr^[3])]); WSACleanup; end;

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- - * - Anastasija aka WhiteUnicorn - * - - LJLiveJournal