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Frequently Asked Questions

Read and BlockRead file function failure in 32bit.


When I port my code from 16 bit Delphi to 32 bit Delphi, the read and BlockRead function no longer seem to work correctly. Is this a bug?


No. In 32 bit environments, records are automatically aligned on
32 bit boundaries when the $A+ compiler directive is in effect. This
is done by padding the record so each record will be located on a 32
bit boundary. If you are reading in data from a file containing
non-aligned records, the data may not be read in correctly if you are
using automatic record alignment. To turn off automatic record
alignment for a given record type, use the "packed" record attribute.
Globally turning off record alignment with the $A- is not recommended,
as much of the system requires record alignment to be on. The
following example demonstrates the size difference of a packed and
unpacked record.


type TSomeRec = record
       w1 : word;
       b1 : byte;
       w2 : word;

type TSomePackedRec = packed record
       w1 : word;
       b1 : byte;
       w2 : word;

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  r : TSomeRec;
  s : TSomePackedRec;
  ShowMessage(IntToStr(SizeOf(r))); {displays 6}
  ShowMessage(IntToStr(SizeOf(s))); {displays 5};

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