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Frequently Asked Questions

Porting strings from 16 to 32-bit


When I port my code from 16 to 32 bit, record types that contain strings do not function correctly. What has happened?


Traditionally, strings that are defined with no length parameter

would default to having a length of 255 characters. With the advent

of 32 bit Delphi, strings with no defined length default to a long

string. Long strings are pointers to a reference counted AnsiString.

Long string types are not recommended for use in structures that are

intended to be written or read from a disk file. To port your code

correctly, you need to explicitly set the expected length of the

string in the record, otherwise, a long string is used in place of 

the original string in the record, leading to unexpected results.


  ShortStringRec : record

    s : string[255]; {this uses a short string - ok}


  LongStringRec : record

    s : string; {this uses a long string - not ok}


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