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* #WhiteUnicorn/ StartPage/ Documentation/DelphiFAQ >

Frequently Asked Questions

'BLOB has been modified.', 'Index is out of date.' errors


What can cause errors: "BLOB has been modified.", "Index is out of date." when using Paradox tables in a peer-to-peer type network environment?


Network setup for peer-to-peer is incorrect:
Look at BDE setup for Peer-To-Peer(Non-Dedicated) Networks
for more information.
LOCAL SHARE must be TRUE on all machines accessing the tables:
Code should be used at startup to check the setting of local 
share. Look at DbiOpenCfgInfoList BDE API function call for 
more information.
Problem with opportunistic locking Windows NT ONLY: 
Try turning off opprotunistic locking in the 
Windows NT registry:
  1. Run regedit
  2. Go to key [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\CurrentcontrolSet\ Services\LanmanServer\Parameters]
  3. Change EnableLocks to dword:00000000
  4. See also: Microsoft Article Q129202
Bad VREDIR.VXD on any clinet accessing tables Win95 ONLY: Several versions (notably 4.00.1113 and 4.00.1114) of the file VREDIR.VXD may need to be updated. Reports have shown that using the original release of VREDIR.VXD (4.00.950) and a new release (4.00.1116) do not result in the errors "Blob has been modified" and/or "Index is out of date." If any one of the clients has a "bad" version of this device driver, the error can occur on any machine, not just the mahcine with the bad driver. This error most likely occurs in 16Bit versions of the Borland Database Engine, although it still can occur in 32Bit versions. For further information on the update of VREDIR.VXD: Search MS support site for Article ID's Q165403 and Q174371 which reference VRDRUPD.EXE. (as of this writing VRDRUPD.EXE contains the file VREDIR.VXD version 4.00.1116 9/11/97) or try the following URLs: Microsoft Article Q174371 Microsoft Article Q165403

* #WhiteUnicorn/ StartPage/ Documentation/DelphiFAQ >

- - * - Anastasija aka WhiteUnicorn - * - - LJLiveJournal