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Гради Буч. Объектно-ориентированный анализ и проектирование


Библиография разделена на одиннадцать разделов, пронумерованных латинскими буквами от A до K. В конце каждой главы присутствуют ссылки на пункты в библиографии, имеющие вид [<метка> <год>]. Например, Брукс (Brooks) [H 1975] обозначает книгу 1975 года указанного автора, The Mythical Man-Month, раздел H (Прикладное программирование) библиографии.

А. Классификация

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В. Объектно-ориентированный анализ

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С. Объектно-ориентированные приложения

Abdali, K., Cherry, G., and Soiffer, N. November 1986. A Smalltalk System for Algebraic Manipulation. SIGPLAN Notices vol.21(11).

Abdel-Hamid, T. and Madnick, S. December 1989. Lessons Learned from Modeling the Dynamics of Software Development. Communications of the ACM vol.32(12).

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Anderson, D. November 1986. Experience with Flamingo: A Distributed, Object-oriented User Interface System. SIGPLAN Notices vol.21(11).

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Bagrodia, R., Chandy, M., and Misra, J. June 1987. A Message-Based Approach to Discrete-Event Simulation. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering vol.SE-13(6).

Barry, B. October 1989. Prototyping a Real-Time Embedded System in Smalltalk. SIGPLAN Notices vol.24(10).

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Basili, V., Caldiera, G., and Cantone, G. January 1992. A Reference Architecture for the Component Factory. A CM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology vol.1(1).

Batory, D. and O'Malley, S. October 1992. The Design and Implementation of Hierarchical Software Systems with Reusable Components. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology vol.1(4).

Bezivin, J. October 1987. Some Experiments in Object-oriented Simulation. SIGPLAN Notices vol.22(12).

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Bihair, T. and Gopinath, P. December 1992. Object-oriented Real-Time Systems: Concepts and Examples. IEEE Computer vol.25(12).

Bjornerstedt, A., and Britts, S. September 1988. AVANCE: An Object Management System. SIGPLAN Notices vol.23(11).

Bobrow, D., and Stefik, M. February 1986. Perspectives on Artificial Intelligence Programming. Science vol.231.

Boltuck-Pasquier, J., Grossman, E., and Collaud, G. August 1988. Prototyping an Interactive Electronic Book System Using an Object-Oriented Approach. Proceedings of ECOOP'88:

European Conference on Object-oriented Programming. New York, NY: Springer-Verlag.

Bonar, J., Cunningham R., and Schultz, J. November 1986. An Object-oriented Architecture of Intelligent Tutoring Systems. SIGPLAN Notices vol.21(11).

Booch, G. 1987. Software Components with Ada: Structures, Tools, and Subsystems. Menio Park, CA: Benjamin/Cummings.

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Budd, T. January 1989. The Design of an Object-oriented Command Interpreter. Software - Practice and Experience vol.19(1).

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Call, L., Cohrs, D., and Miller, B. October 1987. CLAM - an Open System for Graphical User Interfaces. SIGPLAN Notices vol.22(12).

Campbell, R., Islam, N., and Madany, P. 1992. The Design of an Object-oriented Operating System: A Case Study of Choices. Vancouver, Canada: OOPSLA'92.

Caplinger, M. October 1987. An Information System Based on Distributed Objects. SIGPLAN Notices vol.22(i2).

Cargill, T. November 1986. Pi: A Case Study in Object-oriented Programming. SIGPLAN Notices vol.21(11).

Carroll, M. September 1990. Building Reusable C++ Components. Murray Hills, New Jersey: AT&T Bell Laboratories.

Cmelik, R., and Genani, N. May 1988. Dimensional Analysis with C++. IEEE Software vol.5(3).

Coggins, J. September 1990. Design and Management of C++ Libraries. Chapel Hill, North Carolina: University of North Carolina.

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Davis, J. and Morgan, T. January 1993. Object-oriented Development at Brooklyn Union Gas. IEEE Software vol.10(1).

deChampeaux, D., Anderson, A., Lerman, D., Gasperina, M., Feldhousen, E., Glei, M., Fulton, F., Groh, C., Houston, D., Monroe, C., Raj, Rommel, and Shultheis, D. October 1991. Case Study of Object-oriented Software Development. Palo Alto, California Hewlett-Packard Laboratories.

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Englemore, R., and Morgan, T. 1988. Blackboard Systems. Wokingham, England: Addison-Wesley.

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Fenton, J., and Beck, K. October 1989. Playground: An Object-oriented Simulation System with Agent Rules for Children of All Ages. SIGPLAN Notices vol.24(10).

Fischer, G. 1987. An Object-oriented Construction and Tool Kit for Human-Computer Communication. Boulder, CO: University of Colorado Department of Computer Science and Institute of Cognitive Science.

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Frankowski, E. 20 March 1986. Advantages of the Object Paradigm for Prototyping. Golden Valley, MN: Honeywell.

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Freitas, M., Moreira, A., and Guerreiro, P. July/August 1990. Object-oriented Requirements Analysis in an Ada Project. Ada Letters vol.X(6).

Funk, D. 1986. Applying Ada to Beech Starship Avionics. Proceedings of the First International

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Goldberg, A. 1978. Smalltalk in the Classroom. Palo Alto, CA: Xerox Palo Alto Research Center.

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Goldstein, N. and Alger, J. 1992. Developing Object-oriented Software for the Macintosh. Reading, Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.

Gorlen, K. December 1987. An Object-oriented Class Library for C++ Programs. Software - Practice and Experience vol.17(12).

Gray, L. 1987. Transferring Object-oriented Design Techniques into Use: AWIS Experience. Fairfax, VA: TRW Federal Systems Group.

Grimshaw, A., and Liu, J. October 1987. Mentat: An Object-oriented Macro Data Flow System. SIGPLAN Notices vol.22(12).

Grossman, M., and Ege, R. October 1987. Logical Composition of Object-oriented Interfaces. SIGPLAN Notices vol.22(12).

Gutfreund, S. October 1987. Manipllcons in ThinkerToy. SIGPLAN Notices vol.22(12). Gwinn, J. February 1992. Object-oriented Programs in Realtime. SIGPLAN Notices vol.27(2).

Harrison, W., Shilling, J., and Sweeney, P. October 1989. Good News, Bad News: Experience Building a Software Development Environment Using the Object-oriented Paradigm. SIGPLAN Notices vol.24(10).

Hekmatpour, A., Orailoglu, A., and Chau, P. April 1991. Hierarchical Modeling of the VLSI Design Process. IEEE Expert vol.6(2).

Hollowell, G. November 1991. Leading the U.S. Semiconductor Manufacturing Industry Toward an Object-oriented Technology Standard. Hotline on Object-oriented Technology vol.3(1).

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Jacobson, I. January 1993. Is Object Technology Software's Industrial Platform? IEEE Software vol.10(1).

Jerrell, M. October 1989. Function Minimization and Automatic Differentiation using C++. SIGPLAN Notices vol.24(10).

Johnson, R., and Foote, B. June/July 1988. Designing Reusable Classes. Journal of Object-oriented Programming vol.1(2).

Jones, M., and Rashid, R. November 1986. Mach and Matchmaker: Kernel and Language Support fo Object-oriented Distributed Systems. SIGPLAN Notices vol.21(11).

Jurgen, R. May 1991. Smart Cars and Highways Go Global. IEEE Spectrum vol.28(5).

Kamath, Y. and Smith, J. November/December 1992. Experiences in C++ and O-O Design. Journal of Object-oriented Programming vol.5(7).

Kay, A., and Goldberg, A. March 1977. Personal Dynamic Media. IEEE Computer.

Kerr, R., and Percival, D. October 1987. Use of Object-oriented Programming in a Time Series Analysis System. SIGPLAN Notices vol.22(12).

Kiyooka, G. December 1992. Object-oriented DLLs. Byte vol.17(14).

Kozaczynski, W. and Kuntzmann-Combelles, A. January 1993. What it Takes to Make O-O Work. IEEE Software vol.10(1).

Krueger, C. June 1992. Software Reuse. ACM Computing Surveys vol.24(2).

Kuhl, F. 1988. Object-oriented Design for a Workstation for Air Traffic Control. McLean, VA: The MITRE Corporation.

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Lea, D. 12 August 1988. User's Guide to GNU C++ Library. Cambridge, MA: Free Software Foundation.
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Lee, K., Rissman, M., D'lppolito, R., Plinta, C. and Van Scoy, R. December 1987. An OOD Paradigm for Flight Simulators, Report CMU/SE1-87-TR-43. Pittsburgh, PA: Software Engineering Institute.

Levy, P. 1987. Implementing Systems Software in Ada. Mountain Vie, CA: Rational.

Lewis, J., Henry, S., Kafura, D., and Shulman, R. July/August 1992. On the Relationship Between the Object-oriented Paradigm and Software Reuse: An Empirical Investigation.Jounia/ of Object-orientedProgramming vol.5 (4).

Linton, M., Vlissides, J. and Calder, P. February 1989. Composing User Interfaces with Interviews. IEEE Computer vol.22(2).

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Locke, D., and Goodenough, J. 1988. A Practical Application of the Ceiling Protocol in a Real-Time System, Report CMU/SEI-88-SR-3. Pittsburgh, PA: Software Engineering Institute.

Love, T. 1993. Object Lessons. New York, New York: SIGS Publications. Lu, Cary. December 1992. Objects For End Users. Byte vol.17(14).

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Madduri, H., Raeuchle, T., and Silverman, J. 1987. Object-Oriented Programming for Fault-Tolerant Distributed Systems. Golden Valley, MN: Honeywell Computer Science Center.

Maloney, J., Borning, A., and Freeman-Benson, B. October 1989. Constraint Technology for User Interface Construction on in ThingLab II. SIGPLAN Notices vol.24(10).

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Miller, M., Cunningham, H., Lee. С., and Vegdahl, S. November 1986. The Application Accelerator Illustration System. SIGPLAN Notices vol.21(11).

Mohan, L, and Kashyap, R. May 1988. An Object-Oriented Knowledge Representation for Spatial Information. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering vol.14(5).

Morgan, Т. and Davis, J. March 1991. Large-Scale Object Systems Development. Hotline on Object-oriented Technology vol.2(5).

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Pittman, M. January 1993. Lessons Learned in Managing Object-oriented Development. IEEE Software vol.10(1).

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